Don’t you just love a good story? Me too! Funny, mysterious, sappy, I love them all, but my favorite stories always involve the Lord Jesus Christ and the wonderful ways that He is moving in the lives of people. When I was preparing to go on my very first mission trip, I was asked to be ready to share my testimony. I was overcome with fear at the thought of speaking publicly and being rejected, ridiculed or worst of all, questioned! Until then, I believed a testimony was a glamourous story of tragedy turned to redemption and I didn’t have any such event in my life. So, let’s clear that up in case anyone else has the same misconception that I had! Merriam-Webster defines testimony as, “firsthand authentication of a fact; an outward sign; an open acknowledgment; a public profession.” Simply put, a testimony is just your story. What has God done in your life? How are you or your life different now than you were before you said yes to Jesus? When have you felt the presence of God? How has the Lord carried you through a difficult season? How has God provided for you? You might even have more than one testimony! I have just begun to realize that my story of transformation through cancer isn’t my only testimony. There are so many other things the Lord is showing me that I can share with others to reveal His grace and glory. As much as I love to get lost in a good story, a testimony holds so much more weight than just entertainment value. Your story of God’s work in your life has the power to inspire people and move them toward a saving relationship with the Lord, all while glorifying God. If you have ever considered sharing your story but, like me, let fear and uncertainty stop you, let me share with you what I have found. 1. Sharing your story is a learning experience – “You then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself?” Romans 2:21. As you prepare your testimony and what you will say to any given person or group that you are sharing with, you are likely to see things you didn’t even realize you had learned along the way. Looking back allows you to see exactly how far you have come and where you still need to go. As you share your story, others will open up to you and you will learn from them as well. It’s a beautiful gift of give and take. 2. Sharing your story is a privilege – I love how Henry Blackaby puts it in his book, Experiencing God, “When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.” What an honor it is to be able to share my story and in that way partner with God to encourage another person and lead them to Christ. Yes, Lord, send me! “As for me I will always have hope, I will praise you more and more.” Psalm 71:14 3. Sharing your story is a responsibility – Have you ever heard of the Great Commission? It’s found in Matthew 28 and says, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This is a command to tell people about Jesus and it’s the responsibility of every believer. At the hospital one day with my husband, the post op nurse was discussing the effects of anesthesia with us. She said she doesn’t want her daughter to go under anesthesia because she sees the adverse effects of it every day and fears what could happen to her. We should be the same way about sharing about Jesus. We know what life is like with Jesus. We have information lost people don’t have and if we love them and want to save them from the effects of living life without Jesus then we have to do something….share our testimony about Jesus!!! Considering these things compels me to share my stories whenever possible these days. I still get nervous but I know the Holy Spirit is always with me. He often gives me the words to say and he always gives me a supernatural confidence in the moment. I encourage you to think back on your story of life with Jesus and begin preparing to share it. Then, when you are ready, ask the Lord to send you the opportunity to join Him in His work. You will be glad you did. Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what He has done. 1 Chronicles 16:8
Story Time
Updated: Feb 11, 2019