I have a confession to make and it just might get my girlie girl card pulled. I. Do. Not. Like. Shopping. Not even a little. Instead of developing a love of shopping as a young girl, I would spend my time at the mall sitting with my Papa at the fountain, people watching. We enjoyed each other’s company as we commented on the mall walker’s, the harried momma’s with their brood, couples strolling hand in hand and the teenagers just hanging out. People watching is way more fun than shopping. Sometimes you catch people doing funny things like talking to themselves or primping in the middle of a store because we all think no one is possibly paying any attention to us right?! That’s what I thought too, UNTIL, I realized people, people watch me too. That’s right. I, the watcher am not immune to being the watched. One morning as I arrived to work I had my typical Monday morning load to carry inside which consists of my very large purse, my tote bag, my case of Dt Dr Pepper, my Tervis cup and my keys for the elevator all of which I was trying to finagle out of the front seat of the car as I tried to get myself out of the driver’s seat. In the process I smacked my head on the car door, dropped my keys, set off the car alarm, spilled my drink on myself and finally just had to drop everything on the ground, adjust my clothing and start over. As I locked my car and turned in the direction of the office with my load finally secured I noticed the grinning man sitting in the truck two spaces down looking directly at me. I decided right then and there that as much as I love to people watch, I’m not so keen on being watched, unless I consider who I am being watched by. Truck guy might have seen me have a little break down in the parking lot but chances are our paths won’t cross again. But the bible tells me that God sees ALL my coming and going, in fact He watches me too! Psalm 121 verses 5-8 say this, “The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life; The Lord will watch over your coming and your going both now and forevermore.” While some may want to make, “God is watching you,” sound more like a warning, I find it comforting to know: God watches me so that He can provide for me. All of my physical needs are met because God shades me with His grace. All of my emotional needs are met because God shades me with His love. All of my spiritual needs are met because God shades me with His presence. God watches me so that He can protect me. We have no idea how much harm the Lord actually saves us from. Near accidents, illness, futile relationships, without any recoginition from us, God protects us from harm every day. His understanding is infinite, His power limitless as he works all things according to His plan. God will watch me forevermore! All of your comings and all of your goings are covered by God. There has never been a time and there will never be a time when we can’t call out to God for help, comfort, healing, strength, hope, wisdom or anything else we may need. He will bless us each with His presence until the end of the ages. From now I say we don’t worry about who might be watching us primp while we shop or even while we have a little parking lot meltdown. The only people watcher that matters is gazing lovingly upon us as he offers provisions, protection and His perfect presence.
Kimberly Vernetti
The Best People Watche
Updated: Feb 11, 2019